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Tim is a husband and father of three and has known Christ since he came to saving faith at the age of 25. While not in vocational ministry, Tim is passionate about the Christian faith - especially the areas of apologetics and evangelism. He enjoys engaging an unbelieving world through various methods of evangelism which includes everything from conversational one-on-ones, witnessing on the street and occasionally open-air. He's also passionate about encouraging others to wrestle with tough questions while equipping them to defend the faith. Tim's educational background includes both a Bachelors and Masters from Lipscomb University, while currently enrolled with the Baptist Bible Seminary pursuing Christian Apologetics.  Tim resides with his family in Nashville, Tennessee and is a member of Hermitage Hills Baptist Church. 

Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible teaches that God is one completely sovereign being, and yet the single being is made of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person is fully and completely God, and is described in scripture as possessing the attributes of God. These three persons are described as the “Trinity” and have all existed eternally – creating and ruling over all things.

We believe in God the Father. The One God who existed before time and will exist after time has ended. He created all we see out of nothing. There is nothing greater, more beautiful, more powerful, more loving, and more holy than God.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. Being of same essence of the Father. Through the Son all things were made and all things hold together. He is the image of the invisible God and the firstborn over all Creation. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a perfect life, died on the cross as our substitutionary atonement, defeated death when He arose from the grave, and is now in Heaven readying Himself to judge the living and the dead when He comes again.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and Son who with the Father and Son is glorified and worshiped. He is the one who quickens our hearts and moves us on the path of sanctification. He speaks to the Father when we have no words and is the indwelling counselor that Christ promised.

We believe Jesus Christ established the Church as his bride, and exists as the universal body of believers worldwide. This universal church manifests in local churches in which Christ is the only head. Christ commissioned the members of his Church to spread the Gospel to every creature and throughout all nations. It is important that every believer participates in, is a member of, and worships as a part of such a fellowship.

We believe that the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testament, is the inspired word of God such that it is truth from beginning to end. The Bible is the only authoritative source over Christian life as it is the only document where GOD has chosen to reveal Himself and His decrees for our lives as Christians.

We believe that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is the promised Messiah and the Lamb Who Takes Away the Sins of the World. As such, salvation can only be found through Christ and none other. It is through Christ’s substitutionary atoning death that the penalty for believers’ sins was paid and through His resurrection three days later that secured eternal life for the same.

We believe that salvation through Christ is attained by faith alone. No works, deeds, or actions stand as a prerequisite to being saved through Christ’s atoning death on the cross. Faith, and faith alone, are all that GOD requires.

We believe that faith is the gracious gift of Almighty GOD. As degenerate sinners we are deserving of nothing but death and damnation for having rebelled against an Eternal and Holy God. It is by the grace of GOD alone that we have access to the faith that can save us from the just consequence of our sins.

We believe that the purpose of our lives, and of all Creation, is to bring glory to God. As the most powerful, most lovely, most holy being He is rightfully deserving of all glory and praise. From the beginning of time GOD has acted in such a way as to bring Himself maximum glory, in fact, for Him to act in any way other than for His glory would be to deny His own nature.

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