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  • Writer's pictureTim Tant

Standing for Life

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

As described in the article below, this was the moment in which I had an opportunity to discuss the sanctity of life with a young woman and shared a Gospel tract with her. Photo taken by my friend, Ruth.

On January 27th, I stood for life for the first time.

It was the first time I had ever stood on the sidewalks outside of an abortion clinic. I intended to stand in support of the other Chrisitians who labor there almost every day, and to protest what could easily be considered the greatest atrocity of this generation. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but it had been on my heart for a long time. I felt that I needed to act in accordance with my convictions.

I had heard Scott Hord speak at a local evangelism conference just this past summer. He shared some details about his testimony and about how “Operation: Saving Life” (the name of his ministry to the unborn) began. He spoke about his strategy for engaging with the mothers and fathers that intend to kill their children, and the amazing support system that he has developed that includes dozens of families approved and willing to adopt a child, should a mother be willing to choose adoption. Scott’s full-time commitment has served as a bedrock and encouragement for others who are blessed with similar convictions. Scott also regularly livestreams his encounters to his facebook group, where his supporters can hear first hand how mothers, fathers, and families are lovingly being engaged with the Gospel.

When I first arrived at 412 Dr. D.B. Todd, Jr. Boulevard, I was surprised to see such a diverse group of Christians. There were people of all ages, perhaps twelve in total, that included families with children. Scott wasn’t there at the time. He was actually taking a mother who had accepted his offer for help shopping for new baby supplies. Bo Linam, another pastor who has recently taken up the fight against abortion full time, was there leading the efforts that day. I quickly introduced myself as a first-timer and immediately felt welcome by the group. Even while standing in one of the most contentious places, it’s

amazing how at-home you can feel when surrounded by like minded followers of Christ.

Another thing that I didn’t expect was the amount of honks from cars that were actually in support of our mission. There were far more honks in support, then there were hecklers yelling profanities through their driver side window, which certainly happened more than once. About half way through the three hour duration that I had committed myself, the majority of the group began to pack up their signs to head out for the day and Pastor Bo

had plans to take another mother shopping that afternoon. I found myself as the closest person to the entrance of the Planned Parenthood parking lot when a car began to pull out. I felt a spike in anxiety, being totally new at this, but reassured myself the most important thing to do is to simply present the gospel - and that I can do. As the young lady was waiting to turn out of the parking lot I reached out my arm with an “Answers to Life’s Question” gospel tract written by Voddie Buachum. “Can I give you one of these,” I said. To my surprise she began to roll down her window, which I took as an invitation to talk. She was very friendly and proceeded to explain to me that she wasn’t there for an abortion. In response, I encouraged her to check out the Hope Clinic just down the road to see if they could provide the services that she needed. She proceeded then to mention that a close friend of hers had been raped, and needed an abortion because of that. This shifted our conversation to the value of human life, that isn’t impacted by the circumstances of the conception.

All of this happened in what was probably under a minute. We had a wonderful exchange, and I think that I gave her some things to consider in terms of the sanctity of human life that perhaps she hadn’t considered before. She also accepted my gospel tract, and I have confidence that the Lord will use that in accordance with His will and purposes.

For the second half of the time that I spent outside on the sidewalk, it was just me and one other, a new friend named Ruth. She gave me lots of pointers on the do’s and don’ts of standing outside Planned Parenthood. One of which I had broken earlier by engaging with the young woman while she was sitting in her car, semi-blocking the entrance to the parking lot. This was a no-no as it's a valid complaint that the employees inside can report to the police. We also had engaging discussions about apologetics, other religions, and some of my other favorite topics.

I explained to Ruth that since I work full time Monday through Friday (not to mention three kids at home) I don’t have too much of an opportunity to come out. She shared some wisdom with me that was rather profound and that I will certainly pass on to others. It went something like this - “if I only had a few hours to do what I did, and it could very well be months before I had another opportunity, then I’ve done my part. Imagine if every Christian just gave a couple of hours, just a few times a year. Imagine the impact that would have on the fight against abortion?”

This was an eye-opening perspective. Not only did it help shake some of the guilt I had of not being able to do more, but helped to put back into perspective that the Body of Christ is a community, nobody is expected to do it all. The only person who achieved that was Christ, through his perfect life and substitutionary death on the cross.

I’m not sure when I will have another opportunity to spend a few hours standing on the sidewalk at 412 DB Todd Boulevard, but I certainly look forward to it. I hope this encourages you to look forward to that opportunity as well.

Soli Deo Gloria,


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